Grant Access to Team Members

In this guide, learn how to grant access to your projects and other resources to your team members.

To grant access to your team members, you’ll need to create a Policy for your Project and add the UUID of the users you want to get access to your resources. You also have to define at what level of privileges they can perform.

In this guide, we will be using the IAM service of Affinidi to define the policies required for our use case.

For our sample use case, we will grant Project access to a user and grant the user privilege to perform the retrieve and update Login Configurations operations. To do this, follow the step-by-step guide below.

Before you begin
  1. Set up Affinidi Vault account. Follow the guide below if you haven’t set it up yet.
Set up Affinidi Vault

Set up an Affinidi Vault account using the Web Vault or install the Mobile Vault (for Android).

The same setup steps for Mobile Vault.

  1. Click on Get started if you are creating a new account, or click on Restore from Backup if you have an existing backup of your Affinidi Vault. Provide the Passphrase to secure your Affinidi Vault.

You have the option to enable Biometrics to unlock your Affinidi Vault easily instead of using Passphrase.

Affinidi Vault Setup
  1. Enter your email address to register with the Affinidi Vault. An OTP will be sent to this email for verification.
Affinidi Vault Passphrase
  1. Enter the OTP sent to the email you have provided for verification to complete the setup.
Affinidi Vault Email Verification

After successfully providing the OTP, you are redirected to the Affinidi Vault dashboard.

  1. Install the Affinidi CLI. Follow the guide below if it hasn’t been installed.
Set up Affinidi CLI
  1. Download and install NodeJS on your machine if you haven’t set it up yet.
  1. Install Affinidi CLI using Node Package Manager (npm).
npm install -g @affinidi/cli
  1. Verify that the installation is successful.
affinidi --version
  1. Get the sub of the user you want to grant access to your Project. To get this value, ask the user to login to Affinidi CLI and run the following command:
affinidi whoami

Ask the user to share the sub value from the resul of the command.

Create a Policy for the User

The first thing we have to do is generate the policy definition for the user we want to grant access to. To do this, run the following command:

affinidi iam add-principal --principal-id="<USER_SUB_ID>" --principal-type=user

Once you add the user as a principal, it creates a default policy with the following default definition:

  "version": "2022-12-15",
  "statement": [
      "principal": [
      "action": [
      "resource": [
      "effect": "Allow"

Given the above policy, the action and resource property is empty; the user has no access privilege yet to perform any actions on any resources.

Define the Policy for the User

After creating the initial policy with limited privileges, we will have to update this policy to provide certain rights based on our use case.

Retrieve the Initial Policy Definition

To be able to start updating our policy, we will have to retrieve first the current policy definition, to do this, run the following command:

affinidi iam get-policies --principal-id="<USER_SUB_ID>" --principal-type=user > <PATH_TO_POLICY_FILE>

Since we are defining a policy for the user and not a Personal Access Token, we use the flag --principal-type with value of user.

Provide Access to a Project

Now that we have the policy definition, we have to update the policy definition of what Projects we want the user to access. To do this, we set the resource field in the definition.

  "version": "2022-12-15",
  "statement": [
      "principal": [
      "action": [
      "resource": [
      "effect": "Allow"

You can specify the <PROJECT_ID> or set it to * if you want to grant access to your Projects.

You can get the Project IDs using either  Affinidi Portal - List Projects or Affinidi CLI command:

affinidi project list-projects

Provide Access to Perform Actions

After setting the Projects you want the user to access, we have to define the actions the user can perform in your Project resources. To do this, please refer to this List of Available Actions that you can use.

We want to provide the user with a read and modify privilege for our use case. To do this, we define the actions field in the definition.

  "version": "2022-12-15",
  "statement": [
      "principal": [
      "action": [
      "resource": [
      "effect": "Allow"

In the above definition, we are setting the actions to call the Login Configuration List, Get, and Update endpoint.

Update the IAM Policy for the User

After defining a new IAM Policy for the user, we will now update the Policy definition. To do this, run the following command:

affinidi iam update-policies --principal-id="<USER_SUB_ID>" --principal-type=user --file="<PATH_TO_POLICY_FILE>"

Once the update is successful, the user has access to your Project and can perform the specified actions to the resource.