Affinidi Login with Cognito

This guide explains how to integrate Affinidi Login with AWS Cognito.

Affinidi Login can be integrated with any Identity Providers (IDPs) supporting custom social login mechanisms and OIDC flow. In this guide, learn the basic setup of Cognito to integrate Affinidi Login.

This lab uses NextJS and NextAuth.js as the framework to implement Affinidi Login.

Before you begin
  1. Set up Affinidi Vault account. Follow the guide below if you haven’t set it up yet.
Set up Affinidi Vault

Set up an Affinidi Vault account using the Web Vault or install the Mobile Vault (for Android).

The same setup steps for Mobile Vault.

  1. Click on Get started if you are creating a new account, or click on Restore from Backup if you have an existing backup of your Affinidi Vault. Provide the Passphrase to secure your Affinidi Vault.

You have the option to enable Biometrics to unlock your Affinidi Vault easily instead of using Passphrase.

Affinidi Vault Setup
  1. Enter your email address to register with the Affinidi Vault. An OTP will be sent to this email for verification.
Affinidi Vault Passphrase
  1. Enter the OTP sent to the email you have provided for verification to complete the setup.
Affinidi Vault Email Verification

After successfully providing the OTP, you are redirected to the Affinidi Vault dashboard.

  1. An AWS Account or sign up for a Free Tier

  2. Optionally, install the Affinidi CLI. Follow the guide below if you haven’t installed yet.

Set up Affinidi CLI
  1. Download and install NodeJS on your machine if you haven’t set it up yet.
  1. Install Affinidi CLI using Node Package Manager (npm).
npm install -g @affinidi/cli
  1. Verify that the installation is successful.
affinidi --version

Download Application

You can download this sample application using Next.js framework and start exploring how to integrate Affinidi Login with AWS Cognito as the authorisation server and Affinidi Vault as the Identity Provider to provide a passwordless login experience.

Running the Application

  1. Suppose this is your first time downloading the sample application. Run the following command to install the dependencies.
npm install
  1. Create the .env file in the sample application by running the following command.
cp .env.example .env

If you open the sample application in a Code Editor, duplicate the .env.example and rename it .env.

  1. After installing the dependencies, run the application by running the command.
npm run dev

Running the application for the first time without configuring the .env file will throw an exception error. We will configure the required environment variables in the following steps of this guide.

You may refer to the included file for more details.

Set up AWS Cognito

Set up AWS Cognito

Go to Cognito service and create a new Cognito user pool. Follow the rest of the steps to configure Cognito

  1. Configure sign-in experience: keep the default provider type and select Username as the sign-in option

  2. Configure security requirements: keep the default password policy but disable MFA and user account recovery

  3. Configure sign-up experience: keep all the default values in this section

  4. Configure message delivery: select the option Send email with Cognito and keep the default value

  5. Integrate your app: provide the User pool name and set the following options:

  • Select Use the Hosted Cognito UI
  • Select Use a Cognito domain and in the Cognito domain, enter the User pool name you have entered previously
  • Set the App client name same the User pool name and select Generate a client secret
  • Set the Allowed callback URLs to http://localhost:3000/api/auth/callback/cognito
  • In the Advanced app client settings, click on Add sign-out URL and set the value to http://localhost:3000. Keep the default values for the rest of the settings.

Review and verify your settings and click on Create user pool

Create Login Configuration

To create a Login Configuration, you can either use Affinidi CLI or  Affinidi Portal.

Expand the section below for your preferred method:

Name: My Cognito config

Redirect URIs: https://{cognito-domain}/oauth2/idpresponse

Using Affinidi CLI
  1. Log in to Affinidi CLI by running:
affinidi start
  1. Once you have successfully logged in, create the Login Configuration by running:
affinidi login create-config \
--name='My Cognito config' \
  • --name is what you want your login configuration to be called.
  • --redirect-uris is the URL on your application where the user gets redirected after the successful authentication.

Sample response:

  "ari": "ari:identity:ap-southeast-1:687b8872-a618-dt63-8978-e72ac32daeb1:login_configuration/c4f74d936cd31bde1c1fd3c1050bb76s",
  "projectId": "687b8872-a618-4e52-8978-e72ac32daec2",
  "configurationId": "c4f74d936cd31bde1c1fd3c1050bb62d",
  "name": "...",
  "auth": {
    "clientId": "<AUTH.CLIENT_ID>",
    "clientSecret": "<AUTH.CLIENT_SECRET>",
    "issuer": "https://<PROJECT_ID>"
  "redirectUris": [
  "clientMetadata": {
    "name": "Login Config Name",
    "logo": "",
    "origin": ""
  "creationDate": "2023-08-11T06:26:37Z",
  "tokenEndpointAuthMethod": "client_secret_post"

Learn more on how to manage your Login Configurations using Affinidi CLI.

Using Affinidi Portal
Create new Login Configuratioin
  1. Go to  Affinidi Login under the Services section.

  2. Click on the Create Login Configuration and provide the required details.

  • Name is the string that describes your login configuration.
  • Redirect URIs is the URL on your application where the user gets redirected after the successful authentication.
  1. Click on create and confirm if all the details are correct.
Login Configuratation new client
  1. After confirming the details, another popup shows the Client ID and Client Secret for your Login Configuration. Copy the generated Client Credentials and use them to integrate with Affinidi Login.

  2. After copying the Client ID and Client Secret and closing the popup, you are redirected back to the Affinidi Login page.

Login Configuration uses the default Presentation Definition (presentationDefinition) and ID Token Mapping (idTokenMapping) that is used to request the user’s email address during the authentication flow.

Due to the string length limitation (2048 characters) in Cognito’s idToken fields, we need to update the default presentationDefinition of the Login Configuration we have created. This update excludes the Issuer’s DID from the idToken that is issued.

// Default `presentationDefinition` value

  "id": "vc_issuer",
  "name": "VC Issuer",
  "purpose": "Check if VC Issuer is Trusted",
  "constraints": {
    "fields": [
        "path": [
        "purpose": "issuer",
        "filter": {
          "type": "string",
          "pattern": "^did:key...EiBb5gyC1mu3t31oYwMsYWg1U2HyNtaVQ0NKn5UkAzB8BQ;"

To do this using Affinidi CLI, execute the following command:

affinidi login update-config \
--id="<LOGIN_CONFIG_ID>" \
--data='{"presentationDefinition":{"id":"vp_token_with_email_vc","input_descriptors":[{"id":"email_vc","name":"Email VC","purpose":"Check if data contains necessary fields","constraints":{"fields":[{"path":["$.type"],"purpose":"Check if VC type is correct","filter":{"type":"array","contains":{"type":"string","pattern":"Email"}}},{"path":["$"],"purpose":"Check if VC contains email field","filter":{"type":"string"}}]}}]}}'

After setting up the Login Configuration, let’s go back to the AWS Cognito to integrate Affinidi Login as an Identity Provider for OIDC flow.

Configure Cognito Sign-in with Affinidi Login

Configure the Cognito Sign-in experience to integrate with Affinidi Login as the identity provider when authenticating users during the login flow. We are also configuring Cognito on how to parse the idToken that Affinidi Login provides after users confirm their identity through Affinidi Vault.

Set up Affinidi Login in Cognito
  1. Go back to the Cognito user pool you have created and click on Sign-in experience tab. Scroll to the Federated identity provider sign-in section and click on Add identity provider

  2. In the new window, select *OpenID Connect (OIDC) option and set the following values based on the Login Configuration details:

  • Provider name: set the value to Affinidi
  • Client ID: set the value from the auth.clientId of the Login Configuration
  • Client secret: set the value from the auth.clientSecret of the Login Configuration
  • Authorised scopes: set the value to openid offline_access
  • Issuer URL: set the value to auth.issuer of the Login Configuration

Lastly, add the following attributes to map Cognito properties to OIDC

User pool attributeOpenID Connect attribute
  1. Once you have added the new Identity Provider connected to Affinidi Login, proceed to App integration tab of the Cognito pool and scroll down to the App client list

  2. Click on the app you have created and Edit the Hosted UI. Scroll to the Identity providers section and select Affinidi, which was set up in the previous steps using OIDC, then save the changes.

Affinidi Login Cognito Lambda Implementation
  1. Go back to the User pool and click on th User pool properties tab then, add the Lambda trigger.

  2. Keep the Trigger type as Sign-up and select Post confirmation trigger.

  3. Click on Create Lambda function and copy the following code below using Python as the runtime library:

Replace the {{USER POOL ID}} with the ID of your Cognito User pool.

import boto3
import json
import urllib.parse

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    # Extract the custom attribute value from the OIDC provider response
    user_details = event['request']['userAttributes']['name']
    # print(user_details)
    decoded_string = urllib.parse.unquote(user_details)
    # print (decoded_string)
    data =json.loads(decoded_string)
    # print (data)
    email = data[1]['email']

    # Update the email attribute in the Cognito user pool with the custom attribute value
    user_pool_id = '{{USER POOL ID}}'
    username = event['userName']
    cognito_client = boto3.client('cognito-idp')
    response = cognito_client.admin_update_user_attributes(
               'Name': 'email',
               'Value': email
               'Name': 'email_verified',
               'Value': str(True)
    return event
  1. Once you have created the Lambda function, go back to the Add Lambda trigger tab, and select the newly created Lambda function and save.

Congratulations! you have just integrated Affinidi Login as the Identity Provider of Cognito. You can now enable this Cognito User Pool into your application and provide a passwordless login experience for your consumers.

Set up the Sample Application

Affinidi Login Cognito Sample

In this guide, learn how to integrate Affinidi Login using NextJS and NextAuth.js with Cognito as the authorisation server into your application.

Cognito is configured to connect to Affinidi Login as the Identity provider to authenticate user.

Configure .env file

Set the environment variables based on the auth credentials generated by Cognito when you created the User Pool App:


Configure NextAuth for Affinidi Login

File path: pages/api/auth/[…nextauth].ts

Using the NextAuth.js library, configure the nextauth file to enable Affinidi Login as a login provider and set up the JWT and Session from the idToken sent by the Affinidi Login after the user successfully authenticates.

Add Cognito Login as a Login Provider

In the code below, we are adding Cognito as one of the Login Provider for NextAuth.js.

Import the Cognito from the NextAuth.js library

import CognitoProvider from "next-auth/providers/cognito"

Add Cognito as a Login Provider

  clientId: providerClientId,
  clientSecret: providerClientSecret,
  issuer: providerIssuer,
  idToken: true,
  checks: 'nonce',
Generate JWT and Session from the idToken

In the code below, we generate a JWT and a session from the idToken that we have received from the Affinidi Login after successful user authentication.

async jwt({ token, account, profile }) {
    const prof = (profile as any);
    let did: string | undefined;
    if(prof?.name) {
      did = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(prof?.name))[2].did;

    const email = prof?.email;

    return {
    ...(email && { email }),
    ...(did && { did: did.split(";")[0] }),
    ...(account?.access_token && { accessToken: account?.access_token }),
    ...(account?.id_token && { idToken: account?.id_token }),
    ...(profile?.sub && { userId: profile?.sub }),

async session({ session, token }) {
    return {
    ...(token.did && { did: token.did.split(";")[0] }),
    ...( && { email: }),
    ...(token.userId && { userId: token.userId }),
    ...(token.accessToken && { accessToken: token.accessToken }),
    ...(token.idToken && { idToken: token.idToken }),

Enable Affinidi Login

File path: pages/sign-in/index.tsx

In the code below, we are enabling Affinidi Login into the Login page of the sample app and referencing the NextAuth provider that we have configured earlier.

async function logIn() {
  // enable Affinidi Login button
  await signIn('cognito', { callbackUrl: hostUrl })


    actor User
    participant Website
    participant Cognito
    participant Affinidi Login
    participant Affinidi Vault
    participant Affinidi Verifier

    User->>Website: My Login
    Website->>Cognito: trigger OIDC flow
    Note over Website, Cognito: Cognito OIDC credentials
    Cognito->>Affinidi Login: Authenticate user
    Note over Cognito, Affinidi Login:  login_challenge
    Affinidi Login->>Affinidi Vault: Verify user identity
    Note over Affinidi Login, Affinidi Vault:  presentationDefinition
    Affinidi Vault->>User: Request user confirmation to share Email VC
    User->>Affinidi Vault: User confirmed consent to share Email VC
    Affinidi Vault->>Affinidi Vault: Generate VP Token from VC
    Affinidi Vault->>Affinidi Login: Send Email VP Token
    Affinidi Login->>Affinidi Verifier: Validate VP Token
    Note over Affinidi Login, Affinidi Verifier:  vp_token, presentation_submission, presentation_definition
    Affinidi Login->>Affinidi Login: Generate idToken
    Affinidi Login->>Cognito: Send generated idToken from VP
    Cognito->>Website: Send access token
    Website->>User: Provide access to the user

With the sample application, you integrated Cognito as the OIDC provider and set up Cognito to work with Affinidi Login as the identity provider. Affinidi Login engages the Affinidi Vault to validate the user’s identity, supplying the VP Token. Cognito consumes this as part of the idToken and issues the appropriate access token to verify successful authentication.