Sample App with Redirect Implementation
This guide provides details on how to enable a consent-driven data sharing flow using the Redirect mode of the Affinidi Iota Framework. Using the Redirect mode, the application is not required to implement the Affinidi Login and uses the Redirect URL to generate a signed request token to initiate data-sharing on your application.
Before you begin
- Set up Affinidi Vault account. Follow the guide below if you haven’t set it up yet.
- Install the Affinidi CLI. Follow the guide below if it hasn’t been installed.
Make sure you have Git installed on your machine. Follow this guide on how to install Git.
Install the NodeJS on your machine if you haven’t set it up yet.
Download the Application
You can download as ZIP file the code sample from the GitHub Repo or generate it using Affinidi CLI with the following command:
affinidi generate app --provider=affinidi --framework=nextjs --library=nextauthjs --path=affinidi-sample-app
when prompted to Automatically configure sample app environment, we will configure it later.
The above command will generate the code sample in the affinidi-sample-app
Important Note
The downloadable sample application is provided only as a guide to quickly explore and learn how to integrate the components of Affinidi Trust Network into your application. This is NOT a Production-ready implementation. Do not deploy this to a production environment.Install App Dependencies
After successfully generating the sample app, go to the affinidi-sample-app
directory from your terminal and install the required dependencies using the following commands:
npm install
Run the Application
After installing the dependencies and setting up the required details in the application, run the following command to start the app locally:
npm run dev
Once it is successfully started, visit the app using the link http://localhost:3000.
Integrate Affinidi Iota Framework
To integrate the Affinidi Iota Framework on your website to enable data-sharing flow using Redirect flow, first, you must create the Affinidi Iota Framework Configuration and define a Presentation Definition to query the user data from the Affinidi Vault. To learn more about Affinidi Iota Framework Configuration and a guide on creating it, visit this page.
Create a Personal Access Token
After creating the Affinidi Iota Framework configuration and the Presentation Definition to query the data from the Affinidi Vault, we’ll create a Personal Access Token (PAT), a machine user that authenticates to the services and performs actions on your behalf.
To create a Personal Access Token (PAT), run the following Affinidi CLI command:
affinidi token create-token -n IotaToken --auto-generate-key --passphrase "MySecretPassphrase" --with-permissions
The above command will create a Personal Access Token (PAT), including private/public keys protected with a passphrase and a defined policy to grant the PAT permission to perform actions on your behalf, in this case, calling Affinidi Iota Framework.
Copy the command output, and we’ll configure it later on the environment variables of the sample application — the sample output of the command:
"tokenId": "086b64ce-oau0-huy7-9876-65d76e84fa36",
"projectId": "cba41b90-34bg-jhg9-acgf-800baa9a40a0",
"privateKey": "...",
"passphrase": "MySecretPassphrase"
Important Note
Keep your private key and passphrase secured; you’ll need them to integrate with Affinidi TDK. Remember, the Private Key and Passphrase will be provided only once.Configure the App to Integrate with Affinidi TDK
Let’s configure the Personal Access Token (PAT) details into the environment variables of the sample application.
Set the following variables with the values provided by the Personal Access Token (PAT):
Keep the
file empty.
Try the Data Sharing Flow
After successfully setting up the Personal Access Token (PAT) details and running the application, go to the web page at http://localhost:3000 and click the Receive Credentials page, either the page that uses the WebSocket or the page that uses the Redirect data-sharing flow mode.
On the Receive Credentials page, you will see a dropdown field listing all the available Affinidi Iota Framework configurations created on your project.

Select the Affinidi Iota Framework configuration, including the method of opening your Affinidi Vault, whether a browser popup or a new tab if you are using WebSocket mode or select the Redirect URL if you are using Redirect mode. Also, select the Query or the Presentation Definition you defined on your configuration to query the data from the Affinidi Vault.
Once all the options are selected, click on the Share button. This will show the consent screen of the Affinidi Vault, which displays the data being requested and asks if you would like to allow access to this data.
How the Integration Works
After configuring and testing the data-sharing flow through the Affinidi Iota Framework, let’s review the codes and how they work to enable the framework.
We are using Affinidi TDK and some of its modules to enable this.
Auth Provider package to authenticate and authorise the Personal Access Token (PAT) to perform actions on your behalf.
Iota client to call Affinidi Iota Framework service to load the configurations.
Common utility libraries to build the share link and redirect the user to the Affinidi Vault.
Read more about Affinidi TDK here.
Generating a Signed Request Token
The backend implementation of the Affinidi Iota Framework exposes an API endpoint responsible for generating the signed request token used by the front end to request and receive data from Affinidi Vault. It utilises two modules provided by the Affinidi TDK:
Source Path: src/lib/clients/iota.ts
Auth Provider package that authenticates and authorises the Personal Access Token (PAT) we configured earlier to call the Iota client to initiate the data-sharing request. The initiated data-sharing request requires the Affinidi Iota Framework Configuration ID and Redirect URL.
Iota client to initiate the data-sharing request and parse the signed request token to redirect user to the Affinidi Vault.
export async function initiateDataSharingRequest(
configurationId: string,
queryId: string,
redirectUri: string,
nonce: string
) {
const authProvider = getAuthProvider();
const api = new IotaApi(
new Configuration({
apiKey: authProvider.fetchProjectScopedToken.bind(authProvider),
basePath: `${apiGatewayUrl}/ais`,
const { data: dataSharingRequestResponse } =
await api.initiateDataSharingRequest({
mode: IotaConfigurationDtoModeEnum.Redirect,
correlationId: uuidv4(),
const { correlationId, transactionId, jwt } = as InitiateDataSharingRequestOKData;
return { correlationId, transactionId, jwt };
Initialising Data Sharing Request
After setting up the API endpoint to generate the Signed Request Token, in the front end, we shall initialise the page, get the signed request token, and redirect the user to the Affinidi Vault.
In our sample application, the handleRedirectFlowShare
is enabled whenever you select an Affinidi Iota Framework configuration from the dropdown list.
You may refer to the
query for the sample code to load the list of configurations from your project using the Iota client of the Affinidi TDK.
Source Path: src/components/iota/RedirectFlowPage.tsx
async function handleRedirectFlowShare(queryId: string) {
const response = await fetch("/api/iota/init-share", {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify({
configurationId: selectedConfigId,
redirectUri: selectedRedirectUri,
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
Accept: "application/json",
const data = await response.json();
const toStore = {
configurationId: selectedConfigId,
correlationId: data.correlationId,
transactionId: data.transactionId,
localStorage.setItem("iotaRedirect", JSON.stringify(toStore));
const vaultLink = getShareLink(data.jwt, "client_id");
After fetching the signed request token, we build the share link to redirect the user to the Affinidi Vault using the VaultUtils
class of the Affinidi TDK common
function getShareLink(jwt: string, clientId: string) {
if (typeof window !== "undefined" && window.localStorage) {
const vaultUrl = window.localStorage.getItem("affinidiVaultUrl");
if (vaultUrl) {
return buildShareLinkInternal(vaultUrl, jwt, clientId);
return VaultUtils.buildShareLink(jwt, clientId);
The handleRedirectFlowShare
is attached to the Share button and is enabled when selecting a Configuration from the dropdown list.
{selectedQuery && (
<h1>Generated nonce: {nonce}</h1>
<br />
onClick={() => handleRedirectFlowShare(selectedQuery)}
After building the share link, the user is redirected to Affinidi Vault to query the data and ask for the user’s consent. The response is sent to the callback endpoint and parsed from the backend using the response_code included
when the user is redirected back to the specified Redirect URL.
Source Path: src/components/iota/RedirectFlowCallbackPage.tsx
const getIotaResponse = async (params: GetIotaResponseParams) => {
const response = await fetch("/api/iota/iota-response", {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(params),
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
Accept: "application/json",
return await response.json();
The Iota Response is fetched from the backend using the response_code
sent from the Affinidi Vault.
Source Path: src/lib/clients/iota.ts
export async function fetchIotaVpResponse(
configurationId: string,
correlationId: string,
transactionId: string,
responseCode: string
) {
const authProvider = getAuthProvider();
const api = new IotaApi(
new Configuration({
apiKey: authProvider.fetchProjectScopedToken.bind(authProvider),
basePath: `${apiGatewayUrl}/ais`,
const iotaVpResponse: FetchIOTAVPResponseOK = await api.fetchIotaVpResponse({
const vp = JSON.parse(( as any).vpToken);
return { vp: vp, nonce: };
The Verifiable Presentation token (vpToken) is parsed from the Iota Response, including the nonce
value, to verify the request and response. The response is a JSON format, like the sample below:
"correlationId": "ab0a1309-bec8-4c28-828f-8a1c7e8ce606",
"presentationSubmission": {
"descriptor_map": [
"id": "email_vc",
"path": "$.verifiableCredential[0]",
"format": "ldp_vc"
"id": "Ub2yNyMEFlW8ziKMKwVzk",
"definition_id": "token_with_email_vc"
"nonce": "6c877dd0-a844-4981-be15-aceed1d2fd5c",
"vpToken": {
"@context": [
"type": [
"verifiableCredential": [
"@context": [
"id": "claimId:0ecab5796c9f160b",
"type": [
"holder": {
"id": "did:key:zQ3shq75QjFhLLeVCC5MATFdSQPrfkDwHoXBUPKGScHSdWi8p"
"credentialSubject": {
"email": ""
"credentialSchema": {
"id": "",
"type": "JsonSchemaValidator2018"
"issuanceDate": "2024-07-29T05:25:57.982Z",
"issuer": "did:key:zQ3shXLA2cHanJgCUsDfXxBi2BGnMLArHVz5NWoC9axr8pEy7",
"proof": {
"holder": {
"id": "did:key:zQ3shq75QjFhLLeVCC5MATFdSQPrfkDwHoXBUPKGScHSdWi8p"
"id": "claimId:O81O9IXOs-uKQcwctMpEb",
"proof": {
The verifiableCredential
can have multiple entries depending on the Presentation Definition you defined and the Verifiable Credentials shared by the user from their Affinidi Vault.
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