Cloud Profile

Extract and populate Affinidi Vault profile from documents and sync data across multiple devices.

The cloud profile feature of Affinidi Vault allows users to upload a document into the Affinidi Vault and extract data from it to quickly populate the cloud profile, such as personal information and user preferences. The data stored in the cloud profile can be synced between multiple devices with the same Affinidi Vault and Decentralised Identifier (DID) setup.

Creating a Cloud Profile

To create a cloud profile, click the Add Profile button and check the Save data to the cloud option. Wait for the profile to be created; additional tabs are displayed to allow uploading and extracting data from documents to populate the cloud profile.

Affinidi Vault - Cloud Profile

To sync the cloud profile data to different devices, users must back up and restore the same Affinidi Vault account where they wish to sync their cloud profile data. This step is essential because it requires the same key stored on the user’s local device to retrieve and decrypt the profile data successfully.

For example, suppose you have updated your cloud profile’s Given name and switched to another device where you have configured the same Affinidi Vault account. In that case, Affinidi Vault will pull the data from the cloud storage and display the profile with the latest changes.

Currently, claimed credentials, including Email and Phone VCs, are not synced to the cloud storage; hence, they will not be available on another device with the same Affinidi Vault account setup.

Extracting Data from Documents

To extract data from a document, upload a file in English with the following supported formats and a maximum file size of 10 MB. Refer to this list of cloud storage limits and supported formats.

Refer to the diagram below for the upload and document scanning overview to extract data and update the profile.

    actor User
    participant AV as Affinidi Vault
    participant VFS as Cloud Storage

    User->>AV: Uploads a document
    AV->>VFS: Uploads file to secure storage 
    User->>AV: Click on extract document data
    AV->>+VFS: Request to extract data from a specific document
    VFS->>VFS: Scan document to extract data
    VFS->>VFS: Analyse document and match fields based on profile template
    VFS-->>-AV: Sends state as completed
    User->>AV: Extract data from the scanned document
    AV->>+VFS: Request for extracted data that matches the profile template fields
    VFS-->>-AV: Return extracted data (label and fields)
    AV->>+User: Present the fields that matches the profile data
    User->>-AV: Accepts the field matching
    AV->>VFS: Update profile data based on accepted fields

When the user uploads the document, they have the option to scan and extract data from it. Once the user clicks on “scan document”, the document is scheduled for scanning and analysis to extract and map the data from the document based on the known fields in the profile template of Affinidi Vault.

After scanning and analysing, the user can view the extracted data from the scanned document, modify the fields and update their profile.

The user can also create folders to organise their file uploads.

Affinidi Vault - Pick Data

Cloud Storage Limits and Supported Formats

Refer to the limits applied to each Affinidi Vault account.

  • Cloud Storage has a maximum of 500 MB per Affinidi Vault account.

  • Affinidi Vault users can upload a file with a maximum file size of 10 MB with the following file types in English.

    • PDF
    • JPEG
    • PNG
    • TIFF
  • Affinidi Vault users can upload up to 10,000 files within the Cloud Storage limit.

  • Affinidi Vault users can create folders of up to 1,000 with 25 maximum nested folders or nodes.

  • Affinidi Vault users can create up to 10 cloud profiles.