Manage Projects and Access Policies with IAM Service.

Supported Languages

Package: @affinidi-tdk/iam-client

npm install @affinidi-tdk/iam-client --save

You can check the latest version of this module on the NPM repository or view the source code at the GitHub repository.

Classes and Methods

Projects API

Use the Projects API to manage your projects including providing access to other users on your projects.


Add principal to the project to get access.


addUserToProjectInput [Object]

JSON object to provide the principal ID and principal type to add to the project. See more here.

  "principalId": "<PRINCIPAL_ID>",
  "principalType": "<PRINCIPAL_TYPE>"

import { ProjectsApi, Configuration, AddUserToProjectInput } from '@affinidi-tdk/iam-client'

// Pass the projectScopedToken generated from AuthProvider package
const authConfiguration = new Configuration({
  apiKey: authProvider.fetchProjectScopedToken.bind(authProvider)

const api = new ProjectsApi(authConfiguration)

const request: AddUserToProjectInput = {
    principalId: "PAT_ID",
    principalType: "token"

const { data } = await api.addPrincipalToProject(request)


Create a project for your account.


CreateProjectInput [Object]

JSON object to provide the project name and description. See more here.

    "name": "<PROJECT_NAME>",
    "description": "<PROJECT_DESCRIPTION>"

import { ProjectsApi, Configuration, CreateProjectInput } from '@affinidi-tdk/iam-client'

// Pass the User Token Auth generated from AuthProvider package
const authConfiguration = new Configuration({
  apiKey: "<USER_TOKEN_AUTH>"

const api = new ProjectsApi(authConfiguration)

const request: CreateProjectInput = {
    name: "project_name",
    description: "project_description"

const { data } = await api.createProject(request)


Delete principal (user or PAT) from the project to remove access.


principalId [String]

ID of the User or Personal Access Token (PAT).

principalType [String]

Type of the Principal, user for User or token for Personal Access Token.


import { ProjectsApi, Configuration } from '@affinidi-tdk/iam-client'

// Pass the projectScopedToken generated from AuthProvider package
const authConfiguration = new Configuration({
  apiKey: authProvider.fetchProjectScopedToken.bind(authProvider)

const api = new ProjectsApi(authConfiguration)

const principalId = "PAT_ID"
const principalType = "token"

const result = await api.deletePrincipalFromProject(principalId, principalType)


Get the list of principals assigned to the project.


No Parameters Required


import { ProjectsApi, Configuration } from '@affinidi-tdk/iam-client'

// Pass the projectScopedToken generated from AuthProvider package
const authConfiguration = new Configuration({
  apiKey: authProvider.fetchProjectScopedToken.bind(authProvider)

const api = new ProjectsApi(authConfiguration)

const { data } = await api.listPrincipalsOfProject()


Get the list of projects.


No Parameters Required


import { ProjectsApi, Configuration } from '@affinidi-tdk/iam-client'

// Pass the User Token Auth generated from AuthProvider package
const authConfiguration = new Configuration({
  apiKey: "<USER_TOKEN_AUTH>"

const api = new ProjectsApi(authConfiguration)

const { data } = await api.listProject()


Update the project details.


projectId [String]

ID of the project to update.

UpdateProjectInput [Object]

JSON object to provide the project name and description. See more here.

    "name": "<PROJECT_NAME",
    "description": "<PROJECT_DESCRIPTION>"

import { ProjectsApi, Configuration, UpdateProjectInput } from '@affinidi-tdk/iam-client'

// Pass the User Token Auth generated from AuthProvider package
const authConfiguration = new Configuration({
  apiKey: "<USER_TOKEN_AUTH>"

const api = new ProjectsApi(authConfiguration)

const projectId = "project_id"

const request: UpdateProjectInput = {
    name: "project_name",
    description: "project_description"

const { data } = await api.updateProject(projectId, request)

Policies API

Use the Policies API to manage access to your projects and related resources for other users.


Retrieves the policy attached to a principal.


principalId [String]

ID of the User or Personal Access Token (PAT).

principalType [String]

Type of the Principal, user for User or token for Personal Access Token.


import { PoliciesApi, Configuration } from '@affinidi-tdk/iam-client'

// Pass the projectScopedToken generated from AuthProvider package
const authConfiguration = new Configuration({
  apiKey: authProvider.fetchProjectScopedToken.bind(authProvider)

const api = new PoliciesApi(authConfiguration)

const principalId = "PAT_ID"
const principalType = "token"

const result = await api.getPolicies(principalId, principalType)


Update the Policy for the principal.


principalId [String]

ID of the User or Personal Access Token (PAT).

principalType [String]

Type of the Principal, user for User or token for Personal Access Token.

policyDto [Object]

JSON object of Policy rules. See more here.

  "version": "2022-12-15",
  "statement": [
      "principal": [
      "action": [
      "resource": [
      "effect": "Allow"

import { PoliciesApi, Configuration, PolicyDto } from '@affinidi-tdk/iam-client'

// Pass the projectScopedToken generated from AuthProvider package
const authConfiguration = new Configuration({
  apiKey: authProvider.fetchProjectScopedToken.bind(authProvider)

const api = new PoliciesApi(authConfiguration)

const principalId = "PAT_ID"
const principalType = "token"

const policyInfo : PolicyDto = {
  "version": "2022-12-15",
  "statement": [
      "principal": [
      "action": [
      "resource": [
      "effect": "Allow"

const result = await api.updatePolicies(principalId, principalType, policyInfo)

Secure Token Exchange (STS) API

Use the STS (Secure Token Exchange) API to create a Project Scoped Token and get the current session information.


Create a Project Scoped Token to access resources in the project.


CreateProjectScopedTokenInput [Object]

JSON Object to provide the Project ID to generate the token. See more here.

    "projectId": "<PROJECT_ID>"

import { StsApi, Configuration, CreateProjectScopedTokenInput } from '@affinidi-tdk/iam-client'

// Pass the User Token Auth generated from AuthProvider package
const authConfiguration = new Configuration({
  apiKey: "<USER_TOKEN_AUTH>"

const api = new StsApi(authConfiguration)

const request: CreateProjectScopedTokenInput = {
    projectId: "project_id"

const { data } = await api.createProjectScopedToken(request)


Retrieve the principal information of the current user.


No Parameters Required


import { StsApi, Configuration } from '@affinidi-tdk/iam-client'

// Pass the User Token Auth generated from AuthProvider package
const authConfiguration = new Configuration({
  apiKey: "<USER_TOKEN_AUTH>"

const api = new StsApi(authConfiguration)

const { data } = await api.whoami()

Tokens API

Use the Tokens API to create a Personal Access Token (PAT) to call Affinidi services on your behalf. Alternatively, use the Token command from Affinidi CLI.


Create a Personal Access Token.


CreateTokenInput [Object]

JSON object to provide the details of the PAT like name and the public key info. See more here.


import { TokensApi, Configuration, CreateTokenInput } from '@affinidi-tdk/iam-client'

// Pass the User Token Auth generated from AuthProvider package
const authConfiguration = new Configuration({
  apiKey: "<USER_TOKEN_AUTH>"

const api = new TokensApi(authConfiguration)

const jwks = {
    keys: [
        kid: "kid",
        alg: algorithm,
        use: "sig",
        kty: jwk.kty,
        n: jwk.n,
        e: jwk.e,

const request: CreateTokenInput = {
      name: "token_name",
      authenticationMethod: {
        type: "PRIVATE_KEY",
        signingAlgorithm: algorithm,
        publicKeyInfo: {

const { data } = await api.createToken(request)


Delete a Personal Access Token.


tokenId [String]

ID of the Personal Access Token to delete.


import { TokensApi, Configuration } from '@affinidi-tdk/iam-client'

// Pass the User Token Auth generated from AuthProvider package
const authConfiguration = new Configuration({
  apiKey: "<USER_TOKEN_AUTH>"

const api = new TokensApi(authConfiguration)

const tokenId = "token_id"

const result = await api.deleteToken(tokenId)


Retrieve the Personal Access Token details.


tokenId [String]

ID of the Personal Access Token to retrieve.


import { TokensApi, Configuration } from '@affinidi-tdk/iam-client'

// Pass the User Token Auth generated from AuthProvider package
const authConfiguration = new Configuration({
  apiKey: "<USER_TOKEN_AUTH>"

const api = new TokensApi(authConfiguration)

const tokenId = "token_id"

const { data } = await api.getToken(tokenId)


Get the list of Personal Access Token.


No Parameters Required


import { TokensApi, Configuration } from '@affinidi-tdk/iam-client'

// Pass the User Token Auth generated from AuthProvider package
const authConfiguration = new Configuration({
  apiKey: "<USER_TOKEN_AUTH>"

const api = new TokensApi(authConfiguration)

const { data } = await api.listToken()


Update an existing Personal Access Token.


tokenId [String]

ID of the Personal Access Token to update.

UpdateTokenInput [Object]

JSON object to provide the details to update the Personal Access Token. See more here.


import { TokensApi, Configuration, UpdateTokenInput } from '@affinidi-tdk/iam-client'

// Pass the User Token Auth generated from AuthProvider package
const authConfiguration = new Configuration({
  apiKey: "<USER_TOKEN_AUTH>"

const api = new TokensApi(authConfiguration)

const tokenId = "token_id" 
const jwks = {
    keys: [
        kid: "kid",
        alg: algorithm,
        use: "sig",
        kty: jwk.kty,
        n: jwk.n,
        e: jwk.e,

const request: UpdateTokenInput = {
      name: "token_name",
      authenticationMethod: {
        type: "PRIVATE_KEY",
        signingAlgorithm: algorithm,
        publicKeyInfo: {

const { data } = await api.updateToken(tokenId, request)