Supported Languages
Package: @affinidi-tdk/wallets-client
npm install @affinidi-tdk/wallets-client --save
Package: affinidi_tdk_wallets_client
pip install affinidi_tdk_wallets_client
Package: affinidi-tdk/affinidi-tdk-php
composer require affinidi-tdk/affinidi-tdk-php
Classes and Methods
Wallet API
Used to manage digital wallets for issuing credentials.
Create a wallet by type.
CreateWalletInput [Object]
JSON object to provide details for the wallet to create. See more here.
Module Imports
import { WalletApi, Configuration, CreateWalletInput } from '@affinidi-tdk/wallets-client'
import affinidi_tdk_wallets_client
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use AffinidiTdk\Clients\WalletsClient;
Sample Codes
// Pass the projectScopedToken generated from AuthProvider package
const authConfiguration = new Configuration({
apiKey: authProvider.fetchProjectScopedToken.bind(authProvider)
const WalletApi = new WalletApi(authConfiguration)
const createWalletRequest : CreateWalletInput = {
name: "Wallet Name",
description: "Description",
didMethod: "key"
// create a did:key wallet
const { data } = await WalletApi.createWallet(createWalletRequest)
// create a did:web wallet - didWebUrl is mandatory
const { data } = await WalletApi.createWallet({didMethod: "web", didWebUrl: "https://<DOMAIN>"})
configuration = affinidi_tdk_wallets_client.Configuration()
# Pass the projectScopedToken generated from AuthProvider package
configuration.api_key['ProjectTokenAuth'] = projectScopedToken
with affinidi_tdk_wallets_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
api_instance = affinidi_tdk_wallets_client.WalletApi(api_client)
# create a did:key request json
new_wallet_json = {
"did_method": "key"
create_wallet_input = affinidi_tdk_wallets_client.CreateWalletInput.from_dict(new_wallet_json)
# create a did:key
api_response = api_instance.create_wallet(create_wallet_input=create_wallet_input)
# ===================================
# create a did:web request json - didWebUrl is mandatory
new_wallet_json = {
name: "Wallet Name",
description: "Description",
didMethod: "key"
create_wallet_input = affinidi_tdk_wallets_client.CreateWalletInput.from_dict(new_wallet_json)
# create a did:key
api_response = api_instance.create_wallet(create_wallet_input=create_wallet_input)
$tokenCallback = [$authProvider, 'fetchProjectScopedToken'];
// Configure API key authorization: ProjectTokenAuth
$config = WalletsClient\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('authorization', '', $tokenCallback);
$apiInstance = new WalletsClient\Api\WalletApi(
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
try {
$request = array(
name: "Wallet Name",
description: "Description",
didMethod: "key"
$result = $apiInstance->createWallet($request);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling method: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Delete a Wallet by ID.
walletId [String]
ID of the Wallet to delete.
Module Imports
import { WalletApi, Configuration } from '@affinidi-tdk/wallets-client'
import affinidi_tdk_wallets_client
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use AffinidiTdk\Clients\WalletsClient;
Sample Codes
// Pass the projectScopedToken generated from AuthProvider package
const authConfiguration = new Configuration({
apiKey: authProvider.fetchProjectScopedToken.bind(authProvider)
const WalletApi = new WalletApi(authConfiguration)
const walletId= "<WALLET_ID-to-delete>"
const result = await WalletApi.deleteWallet(walletId)
configuration = affinidi_tdk_wallets_client.Configuration()
# Pass the projectScopedToken generated from AuthProvider package
configuration.api_key['ProjectTokenAuth'] = projectScopedToken
with affinidi_tdk_wallets_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
api_instance = affinidi_tdk_wallets_client.WalletApi(api_client)
wallet_id = "<WALLET_ID-to-delete>"
$tokenCallback = [$authProvider, 'fetchProjectScopedToken'];
// Configure API key authorization: ProjectTokenAuth
$config = WalletsClient\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('authorization', '', $tokenCallback);
$apiInstance = new WalletsClient\Api\WalletApi(
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
try {
$walletId= "<WALLET_ID-to-delete>";
$result = $apiInstance->deleteWallet($walletId);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling method: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Retrieves the details of the Wallet.
walletId [String]
ID of the Wallet to retrieve.
Module Imports
import { WalletApi, Configuration } from '@affinidi-tdk/wallets-client'
import affinidi_tdk_wallets_client
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use AffinidiTdk\Clients\WalletsClient;
Sample Codes
// Pass the projectScopedToken generated from AuthProvider package
const authConfiguration = new Configuration({
apiKey: authProvider.fetchProjectScopedToken.bind(authProvider)
const WalletApi = new WalletApi(authConfiguration)
const walletId= "<WALLET_ID>"
const result = await WalletApi.getWallet(walletId)
configuration = affinidi_tdk_wallets_client.Configuration()
# Pass the projectScopedToken generated from AuthProvider package
configuration.api_key['ProjectTokenAuth'] = projectScopedToken
with affinidi_tdk_wallets_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
api_instance = affinidi_tdk_wallets_client.WalletApi(api_client)
wallet_id = "<WALLET_ID>"
api_response = api_instance.get_wallet(wallet_id)
$tokenCallback = [$authProvider, 'fetchProjectScopedToken'];
// Configure API key authorization: ProjectTokenAuth
$config = WalletsClient\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('authorization', '', $tokenCallback);
$apiInstance = new WalletsClient\Api\WalletApi(
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
try {
$walletId= "<WALLET_ID>";
$result = $apiInstance->getWallet($walletId);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling method: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Get the list of the Wallets.
No Parameters Required
Module Imports
import { WalletApi, Configuration } from '@affinidi-tdk/wallets-client'
import affinidi_tdk_wallets_client
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use AffinidiTdk\Clients\WalletsClient;
Sample Codes
// Pass the projectScopedToken generated from AuthProvider package
const authConfiguration = new Configuration({
apiKey: authProvider.fetchProjectScopedToken.bind(authProvider)
const WalletApi = new WalletApi(authConfiguration)
const result = await WalletApi.listWallets()
configuration = affinidi_tdk_wallets_client.Configuration()
# Pass the projectScopedToken generated from AuthProvider package
configuration.api_key['ProjectTokenAuth'] = projectScopedToken
with affinidi_tdk_wallets_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
api_instance = affinidi_tdk_wallets_client.WalletApi(api_client)
api_response = api_instance.list_wallets()
$tokenCallback = [$authProvider, 'fetchProjectScopedToken'];
// Configure API key authorization: ProjectTokenAuth
$config = WalletsClient\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('authorization', '', $tokenCallback);
$apiInstance = new WalletsClient\Api\WalletApi(
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
try {
$result = $apiInstance->listWallets();
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling method: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Sign a credentials with the Wallet details (DID document).
walletId [String]
ID of the Wallet used for signing the credential.
SignCredentialInputDto [Object]
JSON object to provide the credential data to sign. See more here.
Module Imports
import { WalletApi, Configuration, SignCredentialInputDto } from '@affinidi-tdk/wallets-client'
import affinidi_tdk_wallets_client
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use AffinidiTdk\Clients\WalletsClient;
Sample Codes
// Pass the projectScopedToken generated from AuthProvider package
const authConfiguration = new Configuration({
apiKey: authProvider.fetchProjectScopedToken.bind(authProvider)
const WalletApi = new WalletApi(authConfiguration)
const walletId= "<WALLET_ID>"
const credentialRequest : SignCredentialInputDto = {
unsignedCredential: {},
revocable: true,
unsignedCredentialParams: {
jsonLdContextUrl: "",
jsonSchemaUrl: "",
typeName: "",
credentialSubject: "",
holderDid: "",
expiresAt: ""
const result = await WalletApi.signCredential(walletId, credentialRequest)
configuration = affinidi_tdk_wallets_client.Configuration()
# Pass the projectScopedToken generated from AuthProvider package
configuration.api_key['ProjectTokenAuth'] = projectScopedToken
with affinidi_tdk_wallets_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
api_instance = affinidi_tdk_wallets_client.WalletApi(api_client)
wallet_id = "<WALLET_ID>"
sign_credential_json = {
unsigned_credential: {},
revocable: true,
unsigned_credential_params: {
json_ld_context_url: "",
json_schema_url: "",
type_name: "",
credential_subject: "",
holder_did: "",
expires_at: ""
sign_credential_input_dto = affinidi_tdk_wallets_client.SignCredentialInputDto.from_dict()
api_response = api_instance.sign_credential(wallet_id, sign_credential_input_dto)
$tokenCallback = [$authProvider, 'fetchProjectScopedToken'];
// Configure API key authorization: ProjectTokenAuth
$config = WalletsClient\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('authorization', '', $tokenCallback);
$apiInstance = new WalletsClient\Api\WalletApi(
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
try {
$walletId= "<WALLET_ID>";
$request = array(
"unsignedCredential" => array(),
"revocable" => true,
"unsignedCredentialParams" => array(
"jsonLdContextUrl" => "",
"jsonSchemaUrl" => "",
"typeName" => "",
"credentialSubject" => "",
"holderDid" => "",
"expiresAt" => ""
$result = $apiInstance->signCredential($walletId, $request);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling method: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Sign the JSON Web Token with the Wallet details (DID document).
walletId [String]
ID of the Wallet used for signing the JWT.
SignCredentialInputDto [Object]
JSON object to provide the JWT data to sign. See more here.
Module Imports
import { WalletApi, Configuration, SignJwtToken } from '@affinidi-tdk/wallets-client'
import affinidi_tdk_wallets_client
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use AffinidiTdk\Clients\WalletsClient;
Sample Codes
// Pass the projectScopedToken generated from AuthProvider package
const authConfiguration = new Configuration({
apiKey: authProvider.fetchProjectScopedToken.bind(authProvider)
const WalletApi = new WalletApi(authConfiguration)
const walletId= "<WALLET_ID>"
const signJwtTokenRequest : SignJwtToken = {
header: {},
payload: {}
const result = await WalletApi.signJwtToken(walletId, signJwtTokenRequest)
configuration = affinidi_tdk_wallets_client.Configuration()
# Pass the projectScopedToken generated from AuthProvider package
configuration.api_key['ProjectTokenAuth'] = projectScopedToken
with affinidi_tdk_wallets_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
api_instance = affinidi_tdk_wallets_client.WalletApi(api_client)
wallet_id = "<WALLET_ID>"
sign_jwt_token_request_json = {
header: {},
payload: {}
sign_jwt_token = affinidi_tdk_wallets_client.SignJwtToken.from_dict(sign_jwt_token_request_json)
api_response = api_instance.sign_jwt_token(wallet_id, sign_jwt_token)
$tokenCallback = [$authProvider, 'fetchProjectScopedToken'];
// Configure API key authorization: ProjectTokenAuth
$config = WalletsClient\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('authorization', '', $tokenCallback);
$apiInstance = new WalletsClient\Api\WalletApi(
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
try {
$walletId= "<WALLET_ID>";
$request = array(
header: {},
payload: {}
$result = $apiInstance->signJwtToken($walletId, $request);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling method: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Update an existing Wallet by ID.
walletId [String]
ID of the Wallet to update.
UpdateWalletInput [Object]
JSON object to provide details for the wallet to update. See more here.
Module Imports
import { WalletApi, Configuration, UpdateWalletInput } from '@affinidi-tdk/wallets-client'
import affinidi_tdk_wallets_client
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use AffinidiTdk\Clients\WalletsClient;
Sample Codes
// Pass the projectScopedToken generated from AuthProvider package
const authConfiguration = new Configuration({
apiKey: authProvider.fetchProjectScopedToken.bind(authProvider)
const WalletApi = new WalletApi(authConfiguration)
const walletId= "<WALLET_ID>"
const updateWalletRequest : UpdateWalletInput = {
name: "",
description: ""
const result = await WalletApi.updateWallet(walletId, updateWalletRequest)
configuration = affinidi_tdk_wallets_client.Configuration()
# Pass the projectScopedToken generated from AuthProvider package
configuration.api_key['ProjectTokenAuth'] = projectScopedToken
with affinidi_tdk_wallets_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
api_instance = affinidi_tdk_wallets_client.WalletApi(api_client)
wallet_id = "<WALLET_ID>"
update_wallet_request_json = {
name: "",
description: ""
update_wallet_input = affinidi_tdk_wallets_client.UpdateWalletInput.from_dict(update_wallet_request_json)
api_response = api_instance.update_wallet(wallet_id, update_wallet_input)
$tokenCallback = [$authProvider, 'fetchProjectScopedToken'];
// Configure API key authorization: ProjectTokenAuth
$config = WalletsClient\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('authorization', '', $tokenCallback);
$apiInstance = new WalletsClient\Api\WalletApi(
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
try {
$walletId= "<WALLET_ID>";
$request = array(
name: "",
description: ""
$result = $apiInstance->updateWallet($walletId, $request);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling method: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Revocation API
Used to retrieve and revoke issued credentials.
Retrieve the Revocation List of the Wallet. Used this to check if the Credential is revoked.
listId [String]
ID of the Revocation List to retrieve.
walletId [String]
ID of the Wallet associated with the revocation list.
Module Imports
import { RevocationApi, Configuration } from '@affinidi-tdk/wallets-client'
import affinidi_tdk_wallets_client
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use AffinidiTdk\Clients\WalletsClient;
Sample Codes
// Pass the projectScopedToken generated from AuthProvider package
const authConfiguration = new Configuration({
apiKey: authProvider.fetchProjectScopedToken.bind(authProvider)
const revokeApi = new RevocationApi(authConfiguration)
const listId = "<REVOC_LIST_ID>"
const walletId = "<WALLET_ID>"
const { data } = await revokeApi.getRevocationListCredential(listId, walletId)
configuration = affinidi_tdk_wallets_client.Configuration()
# Pass the projectScopedToken generated from AuthProvider package
configuration.api_key['ProjectTokenAuth'] = projectScopedToken
with affinidi_tdk_wallets_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
api_instance = affinidi_tdk_wallets_client.RevocationApi(api_client)
list_id = "<REVOC_LIST_ID>"
wallet_id = "<WALLET_ID>"
api_response = api_instance.get_revocation_list_credential(list_id, wallet_id)
$tokenCallback = [$authProvider, 'fetchProjectScopedToken'];
// Configure API key authorization: ProjectTokenAuth
$config = WalletsClient\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('authorization', '', $tokenCallback);
$apiInstance = new WalletsClient\Api\RevocationApi(
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
try {
const listId = "<REVOC_LIST_ID>";
const walletId = "<WALLET_ID>";
$result = $apiInstance->getRevocationListCredential($listId, $walletId);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling method: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Used to revoke issued credential.
walletId [String]
ID of the Wallet associated with the credential to revoke.
RevokeCredentialInput [Object]
JSON object to provide the credential info and reason for revoking the credential. See more here.
Module Imports
import { RevocationApi, Configuration, RevokeCredentialInput } from '@affinidi-tdk/wallets-client'
import affinidi_tdk_wallets_client
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use AffinidiTdk\Clients\WalletsClient;
Sample Codes
// Pass the projectScopedToken generated from AuthProvider package
const authConfiguration = new Configuration({
apiKey: authProvider.fetchProjectScopedToken.bind(authProvider)
const revokeApi = new RevocationApi(authConfiguration)
const walletId = "<WALLET_ID>"
const revokeCredentialRequest : RevokeCredentialInput = {
revocationReason: "",
credentialId: ""
const { data } = await revokeApi.revokeCredential(walletId, revokeCredentialRequest)
configuration = affinidi_tdk_wallets_client.Configuration()
# Pass the projectScopedToken generated from AuthProvider package
configuration.api_key['ProjectTokenAuth'] = projectScopedToken
with affinidi_tdk_wallets_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
api_instance = affinidi_tdk_wallets_client.RevocationApi(api_client)
wallet_id = "<wallet_id>"
revoke_credential_json = {
revocationReason: "",
credentialId: ""
revoke_credential_input = affinidi_tdk_wallets_client.RevokeCredentialInput.from_dict(revoke_credential_json)
api_instance.revoke_credential(wallet_id, revoke_credential_input)
$tokenCallback = [$authProvider, 'fetchProjectScopedToken'];
// Configure API key authorization: ProjectTokenAuth
$config = WalletsClient\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('authorization', '', $tokenCallback);
$apiInstance = new WalletsClient\Api\RevocationApi(
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
try {
$walletId = "<WALLET_ID>";
$request = array(
revocationReason: "",
credentialId: ""
$result = $apiInstance->revokeCredential($walletId, $request);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling method: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Retrieve the Revocation Status List as RevocationListCredential that must be a URL to the verifiable credential.
projectId [String]
ID of the Project associated with the revocation list.
walletId [String]
ID of the Wallet associated with the revocation list.
statusId [String]
ID of the status of revocation list.
Module Imports
import { DefaultApi, Configuration } from '@affinidi-tdk/wallets-client'
import affinidi_tdk_wallets_client
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use AffinidiTdk\Clients\WalletsClient;
Sample Codes
// Pass the projectScopedToken generated from AuthProvider package
const authConfiguration = new Configuration({
apiKey: authProvider.fetchProjectScopedToken.bind(authProvider)
const revokeApi = new DefaultApi(authConfiguration)
const projectId = "<PROJECT_ID>"
const walletId = "<WALLET_ID>"
const statusId = "<STATUS_ID>"
const { data } = await revokeApi.getRevocationCredentialStatus(projectId, walletId, statusId)
configuration = affinidi_tdk_wallets_client.Configuration()
# Pass the projectScopedToken generated from AuthProvider package
configuration.api_key['ProjectTokenAuth'] = projectScopedToken
with affinidi_tdk_wallets_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
api_instance = affinidi_tdk_wallets_client.DefaultApi(api_client)
project_id = "<PROJECT_ID>"
wallet_id = "<WALLET_ID>"
status_id = "<STATUS_ID>"
api_response = api_instance.get_revocation_credential_status(project_id, wallet_id, status_id)
$tokenCallback = [$authProvider, 'fetchProjectScopedToken'];
// Configure API key authorization: ProjectTokenAuth
$config = WalletsClient\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('authorization', '', $tokenCallback);
$apiInstance = new WalletsClient\Api\DefaultApi(
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
try {
const projectId = "<REVOC_LIST_ID>";
const walletId = "<WALLET_ID>";
const statusId = "<WALLET_ID>";
$result = $apiInstance->getRevocationCredentialStatus($projectId, $walletId, $statusId);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling method: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
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