Manage Token
Use a Token to generate a Personal Access Token (PAT) or a machine user to connect and perform operations to the Affinidi services on your behalf. Using PAT, you can automate specific tasks within your application and access multiple projects if granted by the user.
How does PAT authentication works
Personal Access Token (PAT) is like a machine user that acts on your behalf to the Affinidi services. You can use the PAT to authenticate to the Affinidi services and automate specific tasks within your application. A Personal Access Token (PAT) lives outside of Projects, meaning PAT can access multiple projects once granted by the user.
PATs use asymmetric keys where you are responsible of creating and maintaining the key pair. Please read about more about how to use Personal Access Tokens (PAT) and create the keys here.
Use IAM (Policy) service of Affinidi to grant access and restrict the actions that PAT can perform on your projects.
flowchart TB subgraph Affinidi CLI user_token["1.1. Developer login to Affinidi"] create_project["1.2. Create a project"] project_access["1.3. Set an active project"] create_token["2.2. Create a token"] add_token_project["2.3. Add token to a project"] set_policies["2.4. Set policies for token"] user_token --> create_project create_project --> project_access user_token --> create_token create_token --> add_token_project project_access --> add_token_project add_token_project --> set_policies end subgraph Application direction TB sign_jwt["3.1. Sign JWT"] delegate_token["3.2. Create a delegate token"] call_project_api["3.3. Call Affinidi services"] sign_jwt --> delegate_token delegate_token --> call_project_api end create_keys["2.1. Create a key pair"] create_keys -. "publicKey PEM" .-> create_token create_keys -. "privateKey" .-> sign_jwt set_policies -. "granted access to" .-> call_project_api
Command References
affinidi token
Use these commands for Personal Access Token (PAT) management
affinidi token create-token
Creates a Personal Access Token (PAT)
affinidi token create-token [--json] [--no-color] [--no-input] [-n [value]] [-k [value]] [-a RS256|RS512|ES256|ES512] [-w] [-p [value] [-g | -f [value]]]
-a, --algorithm=[option]
[default: RS256] The specific cryptographic algorithm used with the key [options: RS256|RS512|ES256|ES512]
-f, --public-key-file=[value]
Location of the public key PEM file
-g, --auto-generate-key
Auto-generate private-public key pair
-k, --key-id=[value]
Identifier of the key (kid)
-n, --name=[value]
Name of the Personal Access Token, at least 8 chars long
-p, --passphrase=[value]
Passphrase for generation of private public key pair
-w, --with-permissions
Set token policies to perform any action on the active project
Format output as json.
Disables color in the output. If you have trouble distinguishing colors, consider using this flag.
Disables all the interactive prompts
affinidi token create-token
affinidi token create-token --name "My new token"
affinidi token create-token -n MyNewToken --with-permissions
affinidi token create-token -n MyNewToken --auto-generate-key
affinidi token create-token -n MyNewToken --auto-generate-key --passphrase "MySecretPassphrase" --with-permissions
affinidi token create-token -n MyNewToken --public-key-file publicKey.pem --key-id MyKeyID --algorithm RS256 --with-permissions
affinidi token create-token -n MyNewToken -g -w
affinidi token delete-token
Deletes a Personal Access Token (PAT)
affinidi token delete-token [--json] [--no-color] [--no-input] [-i [value]]
-i, --token-id=[value]
ID of the Personal Access Token
Format output as json.
Disables color in the output. If you have trouble distinguishing colors, consider using this flag.
Disables all the interactive prompts
affinidi token delete-token -i [uuid]
affinidi token delete-token --token-id [uuid]
affinidi token get-token
Gets the details of a Personal Access Token (PAT)
affinidi token get-token [--json] [--no-color] [--no-input] [-i [value]]
-i, --token-id=[value]
ID of the Personal Access Token
Format output as json.
Disables color in the output. If you have trouble distinguishing colors, consider using this flag.
Disables all the interactive prompts
affinidi token get-token -i [uuid]
affinidi token get-token --token-id [uuid]
affinidi token list-tokens
Lists your Personal Access Tokens (PATs)
affinidi token list-tokens [--json] [--no-color] [--no-input]
Format output as json.
Disables color in the output. If you have trouble distinguishing colors, consider using this flag.
Disables all the interactive prompts
affinidi token list-tokens
affinidi token update-token
Updates a Personal Access Token (PAT)
affinidi token update-token [--json] [--no-color] [--no-input] [-i [value]] [-n [value]] [-k [value]] [-f [value]] [--algorithm RS256|RS512|ES256|ES512]
-f, --public-key-file=[value]
Location of the public key PEM file
-i, --token-id=[value]
ID of the Personal Access Token
-k, --key-id=[value]
Identifier of the key (kid)
-n, --name=[value]
Name of the Personal Access Token, at least 8 chars long
[default: RS256] The specific cryptographic algorithm used with the key [options: RS256|RS512|ES256|ES512]
Format output as json.
Disables color in the output. If you have trouble distinguishing colors, consider using this flag.
Disables all the interactive prompts
affinidi token update-token -i [uuid] -n MyNewToken -k MyKeyID -f publicKey.pem
affinidi token update-token --token-id [uuid] --name "My new token" --key-id "My key ID" --public-key-file publicKey.pem --algorithm RS256
Setting up your PAT keys
To create and use your Personal Access Token you will require a key-pair. You can either create it yourself or rely on a cloud provider to securely manage your keys, such as AWS KMS, GCP’s Cloud KMS or Azure Key Vault
Create a Key-Pair
To create a key-pair, open your command prompt (Windows) / command line (Linux/Mac OS) and run the command below using either of the following tools:
Upon executing the command, the tool prompts you to provide a passphrase. It is recommended to set a passphrase for an additional layer of security. Remember your passphrase as it will be required later.Create a Public Key in PEM Format
After creating your key-pair, you must create the public key in Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) format. To do this, run the command below using either of the following tools:
The public-key.pem is the public key file in PEM format, which you use as the input to create the token using Affinidi CLI.
Personal Access Token Usage
You can use Personal Access Token (PAT) to generate Authorisation Token and integrate with Affinidi TDK from your application.
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